Tuesday, September 1, 2009


Finally, we have started to pack our stuffs into boxes and throwing away things that we don't need anymore. We are getting ready to move to Dane's parents house and preparing the house for rent. At the same time, Dane is getting ready to go for his training in less than 5 weeks. I won't be able to see him for 10 weeks and I am sure it will be hard.. Jono will be very sad too as he is a real daddy's boy. I was trying to explain to him that daddy is going away for training and we won't see him for a while. He replied 'why is daddy going to ride on the train and not taking me?" Hahaha, how cute.

I was so emotional when trying to pack away things and thinking about leaving our house behind. This house has so many memories and we (especially me) really love it. I cannot stand the thought that someone else is going to live in it soon and it is really sad. Not that we haven't moved before but this time is different, we are actually moving away from all things we love---our family, our house, our friends, our lives in Brisbane and many many things here.

To ease the transition, I try to see it as a new start for us wherever we are going to be posted. Looking forward to decorate the new house, exploring the new place, and meeting new people. We have been teaching Jono to memorise Bible verses, and of the them is "Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9. YES, we know our God is with us wherever we are going. THANK YOU LORD for your wonderful promises!


Dawn said...

Wish you with a good move, where do you move to? I might be going to Australia next year for my brother-in-law's graduation :)

Mum with Hope said...

Thanks! The kids and I will move to my in-laws place (only 2 streets a way from us) for 20+ weeks while Dane goes away for his training in the Air Force. We won't leave Brisbane until March next year I think. We have 3 possible places that we could be posted to - Adelaide, Darwin or Newcastle (about 2 hours from Sydney). Where is your bro-in-law based at? Take care!

Dawn said...

I see, you need to be strong for seperation, time will fly fast, don't worry, you will meet Dane again after his training.
My brother-in-law is studying in Melbourne currently.

Mum with Hope said...

Thanks. You're welcome to visit us when you to Australia. Take care!

Ee Laine said...

I hope you did take lots of pics as it is, it'll never be the same again. Hope your kids are better now. Its not a very nice thing to go through.
God Bless!

Mum with Hope said...

Thanks Ee Laine! I now think Esther is teething. Hopefully her teeth will cut through soon :). God bless you too!