Tuesday, October 6, 2009

History in the making

Dane has finally been enlisted today (6/10/2009). It was very hard to say goodbye. We will be separated for 10 weeks. It is so far the longest separation we have to go through. In fact, we have never been separated since we're married 5 years ago. No doubt, there was tears of joy and sadness. Joy because Dane is one step closer to realise his dream. Sadness because I will be by myself and  the two kids will have no daddy around for 10 weeks.

                                               Special Enlistment Ceremony at Anzac Square              
I pray for strengths each day that I'll be able to look after the kids and with stand the loneliness. I feel lost and as if part of me is missing. However, with God all things are possible. Praying for Dane too as he will be going through some tough military training.


Dawn said...

be strong and find some activities for yourself during seperation, I am sure you can manage it :)

Mum with Hope said...

Thanks. Don't think I need any more activities for myself since i have two demanding kids to look after. I'm tired more than anything. :D