Saturday, October 10, 2009

Getting used to not having Dane around

Today is the 4th day without Dane. We actually had an excellent day. I took the kids to swimming lesson with my mum-in-law. Jono was unwilling to go to the swimming lesson and he refused to get into the water. He never did this before and we think it's because daddy was not around. However, once he got into the water he was fine and enjoyed his lesson.

After swimming lesson and breakfast, we sat down and watched NEMO for the 100th time (a bit of exaggerating here, but we do watch it so often that I lost count). He has always love watching NEMO, but he particularly wanted to watch it more this week and I think it's the daddy and son story that he likes. :D I know my poor boy is missing his daddy. He fell asleep on the couch and I managed to get a few things done while Esther was happily playing by herself.

After Jono had a nap, I took the kids to the shopping centre to kill some time. We bought a few things and spent about 2 hours there. It was a first time for me going out on a Saturday with 2 kids without Dane. Jono and Esther were extremely good the whole time. Oh I should also thanked my Phil and Teds double pram which allows me to push two kids and enjoy my shopping. I got it 2nd hand form Ebay because I could not manage to have Esther in the single pram and Jono walking when we go out anymore. As very often, Jono would want me to carry him and he is just too heavy for me. As a result, I'm happy with the decision to invest $250 in this 4yrs old double pram (which would cost about AUD$600-$900 brand new depends on the model). I have fallen in love with it already after just 2 days of having it. It also allows me to go out for my evening walk with the two kids by myself with no hassle.
A picture of the pram

Well as for me, I'm still missing Dane a lot. Missing everything about him even his bad habits. :P Everyday, I would hang around waiting for his phone call and listen to his voice. We are not allow to use video call because of privacy and security reason. He is not allow to take photos of the place as well. I guess being in the military it makes sense. However, I'm slowing getting used to not having him around physically. I thank God for family, friends and their supports.