Saturday, June 19, 2010

Vegies Magic

Many kids these days are very picky with what they eat. My nearly 4 year old used to loved his vegetables and he would devour them happily at meals time. However, sometimes during his life, he decided he would only eat carrots, peas, corn, potatoes, pumpkin and nothing else. He used to be a big fan of broccoli, cauliflower, green beans, cabbage, and some chinese vegies. To have a closer look, those vegies that he likes now are mainly sweet and have strong textures. Perhaps that is why he prefers to eat them these days.

The dillema is preparing meal has become more complicated as to what to put in it. We love brocolli, capsicums, cabbages for our stir fry but then that means I had to only serve Jono with what he would eat. So, using my teacher brain, I decided to use a bit of vegies magic. :D It just means to make eating vegies fun and appealing.

We now make vegies art during meal time and do all sort of funny tricks with them like eating lettuce with one hand only, eyes closed, guessing games and whatever comes to my mind.  To my delight, Jono really enjoys it and it also makes meal time one of our favourite family times.

Jono and his vegies bunny. 
I asked him what could he make with the vegies and this is what he came up with. Very clever I thought!


Ee Laine said...

That's cute and clever!