Sunday, January 17, 2010

Talking about God with Jono

We read Bible to Jono every night before he goes to bed. Recently I started reading a question and answered book about God to him as well. Last night was the first night and it emphasised that God made everything like the sea, animals, plants, people and insects. Cheeky Jono immediately said "Well, I killed the insects that God made mum, I killed the ants."

Tonight, we read that God is invisible, we can't see Him. However, He is everywhere and He knows everything. Very seriously Jono said, "Well, He's not in the wall, mummy." LOL I think he is trying to make sense that how come God is everywhere.

I think as Christian parents we have the responsibility to teach our kids about God and His salvation. The more you talk about it with them the more they will understand. We are planting the seed and God will make it grow. There is great joy seeing your children get saved and follow God. 

Another thing we talked about is salvation. We have mentioned about it many times but tonight Jono made it personal for him. I said we are all sinners meaning we all do wrong things. And he said, "me too?" and I said "yes, we all have sinned and only Lord Jesus can save us." I invite him to accept the Lord Jesus as his saviour and he said yes. Even though he's only 3, it's not too young to talk about the needs to be saved. God's words are powerful and He can work in my little boy's heart. So never ever underestimated how much a child can know about God. Of course only time can tell whether Jono truly believes what he heard about God and his decision about accepting Jesus Christ as his saviour. As parents, our prayer is that he will be a man of God when he grows up!


Ee Laine said...

Haven't caught up with what was happening with you since the "married single mum" post. I trust you had a wonderful time with hubby at Christmas and now having to be on your own again, its so difficult. Am thinking of you and praying for you.
I try to teach my son a bit about God as well. You can almost see his mind ticking and working so hard to understand that 'we cannot see God but He can see us' and cares for us. One day he got upset because we forgot to pray for God to heal his skin and we had to close of eyes and pray again.

Mum with Hope said...

Thanks for your supports! It's hard being separated for such a long time and I just got the news that he's going to be away for an extra 4 weeks so from the original 11 weeks to 15 weeks. :( But we are coping with God's abundant grace.

Your son is so cute! May God help us to be godly parents.