Thursday, January 28, 2010

Best Job

I think parenting is one of the toughest job in the world. It's a very stressful and demanding job, you are 24/7 on call, no paid, no holidays, no annual leave, no promotion, no sick leave, and you are fully responsible of your children. BUT it's also the most rewarding job you can have. You get to raise your own kids, see them grow, and you get to be the proud MUM and DAD.

After having my own kids, I started to have greater respect for other parents. It's a tough job to be mum or dad. Kids don't stay cute and innocent forever, they do cry, kick tantrums, scream, rebel, like to say NO, do not like their food, do not want to go to bed....the list goes on and on. Each development stage is a new challenge and you never really finish your job.

I reckon everyone should have kids just so we can learn to be humble, to be patience, to love, to be loved, to learn from others, to see how God's amazing creation can bring us joy and happiness even when they are 'naughty'. You see because kids need nurture and guidance, so we as parents need to know how to care for them. You will have this desire to know about everything, you want to know what's best for your child and handy tips of bringing up kids. Having kids force me to learn more about life and myself. May God bless every parents and give them strength, wisdom, and patience to love their children!