Thursday, March 11, 2010

Time out!

Esther woke up at about 5am this morning. However dear mother-in-law decided to get her out of her cot. I never let her out of her cot until 7 am cause that's my wake up time. Well, she had been waking up at around 7:00am anyway so there's no need to hurry. Normally, when she wakes up earlier than 7am, I would let her play in her cot or I'll feed her and she will go back to her cot and play. But since dear MIL thought she's too cute so she took her out of her cot. Anyway, getting up at 5am is not fun....

Even though I had been feeling very tired since getting up at 5am this morning, but I still decided to go to the library as it's our usual Thursday visit. When we came home I was exhausted and was  doing my best getting the kids lunch then put Esther down for her nap. Let's say it was so hectic and I was not coping due to the lack of sleep. Just as I thought I would get a break when Esther goes for her nap, Jono said he soiled his pants!!! I couldn't believe what I heard, cause Jono had been toilet trained for at least 1 year now and this only happened once when he was sicked from the tummy bug. I totally lost it. :( Could not stand the thought of cleaning him up and washing up the dirty pants and underwear. I screamed at him asking why he did that, I even smacked him when he refused to answer me...:( Then guilt came in,  I thought he could be sick cause that's the only explanation I could think of...)

So I thought, we need TIME OUT..... I left him upstairs watching Spot DVD while I took Esther to her room for a nap. 30 minutes later Esther was asleep and I had calmed down. Went upstairs and  Jono quickly said sorry and we hugged and I said sorry too. Let's pray for a better afternoon. :D