Yes one of the most exciting trip had arrived. On 9th Dec we (us and Dane's parents) flew from Brisbane to Sydney then transferred to Wagga. The trip was exciting because we were going to see Dane - my hubby, my children's father and my in-laws' son. It was an enjoyable flight except Esther was screaming during our flight from Brisbane to Sydney.
We arrived safely at Wagga Airport and checked in to our accommodation at about 2:00pm. At about 5pm we went and picked up Dane from his training base. I was waiting anxiously at the gate and was very nervous to see Dane again. We were surrounded by many other families and friends who were also waiting for their loved ones. Suddenly there was this man waving at me and I honestly could not recognise him at all. Yes,it's my handsome husband. He looked like he's 18 again. Well I supposed that was the result of him losing 9 kilos during his training.
Our 2 beautiful children
Getting ready to attend daddy's graduation
Immediately after picking up Dane, we went to a nice Italian restaurant for dinner. It was so strange to have him by my side and be able to hold him again. Jono was also excited to see daddy. He could not stop talking to him and telling him about everything. During our car trip I was sitting between Jono and Dane. Jono actually asked me to move so he could see Dane. Well his exact words was: "Mummy, can you move your body? I want to see daddy." LOL
My man in uniform.
The next day we attended Dane's graduation and it was a truly emotional 50 minutes ceremony. We were all so proud of him to complete this tough training. To me, that was the day I had been waiting for. The day when I got to see him again and to witness him realising his dream. We were all so proud of his achievement. Just to prove that it's never too late or too old to pursue our dreams.
Next morning we left Wagga to Sydney. We spent the night and the next day in Sydney before we flew back to Brisbane. We enjoyed family time with Dane's family. We visited Sydney Opera House, Syndey Harbour Bridge and cruised on the ferries. It was so nice to have Dane back and do things together as a family.
Now, we are going to spend 4 weeks together before Dane leaves again on the 11th Jan. It will be another 10 weeks separation but we will try to make visits in between. I thanked God for His love and comforts, for his protection and provision that we helped us got through this 9.5 weeks of separation. God is good all the time!
I feel so touched to see you and your hubby reunited again, wish you will be stronger for the next seperation, I am sure you can go through it.
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