Just had our last dinner at our cute lovely house. We are moving to Dane's parents'place this weekend. This house is the place where many of our memorable moments happened. It's not a big brand new house, in fact it's nearly 20 years old and is quiet small compare to today's brand new houses out there. However this house means a lot to me because of the people who live in it. :D People whom I love so much.
On the same note about house, I watched this short film from 15Malsysia called 'house' tonight. It's quite touching. That poor little boy who's dream house was the house his father built really catches my emotion. What does your house mean to you? What is your dream house like? Do you think the size, the decor, the layout, the landscape, or the design is important for your house? Or maybe you are willing to have a small and simple house that you and your loved ones are happy and contend. I would choose the latter. It's better to have a happy family in a small house than a big house with a broken family. Bye bye house!
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