Saturday, May 16, 2009

My weekly plan

Since staying at home full time I'm finding that I need some sort of daily routine to keep me sane. Otherwise, I would feel trapped spending my days at home with kids. So I have devised a simple weekly plan:

1) Spend the morning playing with Jono at the backyard.
2) Catch up with some housework.

Jonathan goes to childcare, so I only have Esther.
It's the best time to go shopping, see a doctor if sick, take Esther for her immunisation and health check, go to the dentist, do grocery and go out for lunch.

1) Take the kids to playgroup and meet with other mums and their children in the morning.
2) Go for a walk in the neighbourhood.

1) Take the kids to the library and do some simple shopping in the morning.
2) Visit friends

1) Take the kids to the park or visit friends.
2) Occasional dinner date with hubby while Jono goes to the grandparents.

It’s our Family Day
1) Take Jono to his swimming lesson in the morning.
2) Family outing – parks, swimming, shopping, eating out, visiting friends etc.

It’s the Lord’s Day! We go to church.
Now, I’m looking forward to my weekly adventure!